Many entities will pick up household items from your home. This is a convenient way to keep your unwanted items out of the landfill. Some pick-up services will deliver the item directly to someone in your community who is in need, some use the donations to support affiliated non-profits, and others use the items to support their sustainability-minded business.
Below is a list of donation pick-up services that serve the District of Columbia. Please review donation and pick-up instructions prior to scheduling a donation pick-up appointment. This is not a comprehensive list of all non-profit organizations that provide pick-up.
- A Wider Circle
- Community Forklift
- FurnishHope DC
- Goodwill
- GreenDrop
- Mary's Center
- Salvation Army
- Vietnam Veterans of America
Looking for locations where you can drop-off your donations? Check out our Reuse Directory!
Learn how to easily give away your household items to a neighbor by visiting our Exchange with Neighbors page.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement of the above sites. This is just an informal listing and is not meant to be a comprehensive collection of available resources. If you know of other pick-up services that should be added, please email [email protected].